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doofinder package


Class Description
Client Class that allows interacting with the Doofinder service.
ClientPool Manage clients for multiple servers as singletons with shared settings.
ClientResponseError Represents an error response for a failed HTTP response from Doofinder.
Query Allows creating a search query programmatically instead of creating the JSON and parameters by hand.
QueryFilter Manage filters applied to a query.
QueryIndices Class to easily manage Indices filtering in a query.
QuerySort Class to manage sorting information for a search query.
QueryValueError Represents an error thrown for a wrong value in a Query.
StatsClient Wrapper class to simplify stats calls.


Function Description
clone(src) Create a copy of the provided data.
decode(str, options) Parse a querystring into a parameters object.
encode(obj, options) Encode parameters for use in a querystring.
extend(args) Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object.
isEmptyObject(obj) Check if the provided value is an empty object.
isIdentical(x, y) Check whether two values are identical or not.
isNumber(value) Check if the provided value is a number.
isObject(value) Check if the provided value is an object.
isPlainObject(value) Check if the provided value is a plain object.
isShallowEqual(objA, objB) Check whether two values are equivalent or not.
isString(value) Check if the provided value is a string.
isValidDoofinderId(value) Check if the provided value is a valid Doofinder Id.
isValidHashId(value) Check if the provided value is a valid Hash Id.
merge(objects) Merge multiple objects into one.


Interface Description
BannerInfo Represents the information received for a banner for certain search.
BasicResult Represents a single search result when the basic transformer is used.
CartItemStatsParams Parameters for the cart stats.
CheckoutParams Basic parameters for checkout requests.
ClickStatsParamsWithDfid Parameters for click stats with dfid.
ClientOptions Options that can be used to create a Client instance.
FacetQuery Set of params that are dumped from a Query.
FieldSorting Specification to sort by a field.
GeoDistanceFilter Represents a filter by geographical distance.
GeoSorting Interface to specify a sorting by geo distance.
GeoSortOrder Specification to sort by geo distance.
ImageStatsParams Parameters for image stats.
InitParams Basic parameters for init session requests.
QueryParamsBase Base parameters for a query.
RangeFacet Simplified version of a range facet info.
RangeFilter Represents a filter by numeric range.
RangeStats Represents the information returned in the search response for a range filter.
RawRangeFacet RAW information received for a range filter.
RawSearchResponse Represents the search response with no processing.
RawTermsFacet RAW information received as a facet for a terms filter.
RawTermsInfo RAW information for a set of terms belonging to a terms facet.
RawTermStats RAW information for a term belonging to a terms facet.
RedirectionStatsParams Parameters for redirection stats.
SearchImageParams Set of params that are dumped from a Query.
SearchParams Set of params that are dumped from a Query.
SearchResponse Represents the basic search response from Doofinder.
StatsParams Basic parameters for stats requests.
TermsFacet Simplified version of the terms facet info.
TermStats Simplified stats for a term in a terms facet.


Variable Description
__API_VERSION__ Version of the search API being used.
__VERSION__ Current version of the library.

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
Facet Union type of both the simplified range and terms facets.
OnlyIdResult Represents a single search result when the onlyid transformer is used.
QueryParams Set of params that can be passed when creating a Query.
RawFacet Union type of both the RAW range and terms facets.
Sorting A field or geo distance sorting.
SortingInput Valid input for a field or geo distance sorting.
SortOrder Valid sort order values.